Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Gardens by the Bay 滨海湾公园

Gardens by the Bay Official Maxicard, Exclusive Gifts from Singapore Post for SODA Account Members

"Gardens by the Bay - The development of Gardens by the Bay underpins the vision of creating a City in Garden. Gardens by the Bay will capture the essence of Singapore as the premier tropical Garden city with the perfect environment in which to live, work and play, helping make Singapore a leading global city of the 21st century. The Gardens will put in place a pervasive garden ambience and quality living environment from which Singapore's new downtown will rise, and steer Singapore to the forefront of the world's leading global cities. It will complement and complete the necklace of attractions that have been planned for around Marina Bay. The Gardens will be a place that Singaporeans be proud to call their own, a green oasis to enjoy and relax in."

Sign Language "Thanks" 手语"谢谢"

Sign Language "Thanks" Self-made Maxicard. Cancelled with 17th June FDI Postmark

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Little Tadpoles Looking for Their Mother 小蝌蚪找妈妈

Little Tadpoles Looking for Their Mother Real-Posted FDC. Posted on 1st June, the China's Children's Day, from Shenzhen

  "Written by Fang Huizhen and Sheng Lude, Little Tadpoles Looking for Their Mother is a fairy tale and lively tells about the scientific law for tadpoles' development by metamorphosis. The fairy tale was filmed in 1960 by Shanghai Animation Film Studio and was adapted into a color ink painting cartoon, the very first one of China. Animals in the film, such as tadpoles, frogs, shrimps and crabs, all originally come from paintings by Qi Baishi, great master of Chinese traditional paintings, The stamps show little tadpoles ask Grandpa Shrimp for information and mistake the goldfish, the crab and the tortoise as their mother before they finally find their mother"

  "小蝌蚪找妈妈, 童话故事,原作者方惠珍,盛璐德,通过小蝌蚪寻找青蛙妈妈的过程寓教于乐地讲述了蝌蚪变态发育的科学规律。故事于1960年由上海美术电影制片厂搬上银幕,改编为中国第一部彩色水墨动画。影片中蝌蚪,青蛙,虾,蟹等原型取自于国画大师齐白石的画作。邮票表现了小蝌蚪向虾公公打听,错认了金鱼,螃蟹,乌龟为妈妈,最后终于找到青蛙妈妈这五个画面。"

Sign Language "Love" 手语"爱"

Sign Language "Love" Self-made Maxicard. Cancelled with 17th June FDI Postmark

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Esplanade 滨海艺术中心

Esplanade-Theatres on the Bay Self-made Maxicard. Cancelled on 28th May with FDI Postmark

Apple Blossom 苹果花

Japan Apple Blossom Self-made Maxicard. Postmarked on Aomori Central Post Office